A message from concerned residents in Gubyon and Fawnbrake Avenues

We have just received a questionnaire from Lambeth, asking whether we now want to be included in the extended Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). This will be aimed particularly at Fawnbrake Avenue and Gubyon Avenue.

You might think we’ve been consulted enough on this issue, and that it’s clear that most people didn’t want it.

You might also think that the Council have handled the whole affair with stunning incompetence.True.

But the game has since changed:

–          The Council is now implementing a CPZ in most neighbouring streets: in Poplar Walk, Kestrel Avenue, Rollscourt Avenue, Heron Road and Shardcroft Avenue, because residents there voted in favour. The parking bays have been marked out; the Council are just waiting for the Pay & Display meters to be installed then the wardens will start enforcing the CPZ. This will deny use of those streets between the hours of 12 and 2 pm (unless you’re on the spot to buy a ticket) to commuters, visitors and to residents who decline to buy a permit. And to residents of other streets too. This street-by-street implementation is crazy, but Lambeth won’t consider an alternative.

–          So already, many residents’ and visitors’ cars have been displaced to outside the new Zone, making parking acutely difficult for residents in Gubyon and some parts of Fawnbrake. We’re seeing long-term parking on our street by car owners who live within the Zone, denying space to us and our neighbours. And once enforcement starts properly, it’s plain that these problems will become intolerable. Commuters and visitors will have nowhere else to go except Gubyon (99% full already), Fawnbrake and any remaining slots on Brantwood. Meanwhile, parking on the streets inside the new Zone is really painless, even though enforcement hasn’t yet started.

Already we’re hearing of mothers with young children who can’t park anywhere near home; neighbours with elderly parents who daren’t visit; neighbours who won’t  go out in their cars for fear of having nowhere to park when they return; builders who drive away because they can’t park.

We strongly believe these classic displacement problems will get worse once the Zone is working fully. And if the street did vote NO again, it could a very long time before the Council would reconsider extending the zone, even if the predicted chaos ensues and residents find they aren’t able to park in their own street any more. Or indeed pay to park in a neighbouring street either.

So reluctantly (and despite the cost of the annual permit)  we think our street should vote in favour of the Zone being extended to Fawnbrake and Gubyon. PLEASE be sure to complete and return the Council’s voting form by the deadline and VOTE YES, even if you don’t own a car. It may be our last chance to save our street from parking nightmares that will make our lives a misery and even affect the value of our properties.

This plea goes also to these neighbours who have off-road parking. Your parking problems are solved, but your visiting friends, relations and tradespeople will be affected by the chaos that’s about to hit us, unless we have controlled parking. If the extension of CPZ is agreed, you won’t have to purchase a permit,  but it will mean that you can buy visitor permits when you have builders & visitors.

Feel free to post comments.


  1. I completely agree that we need to vote yes for the CPZ now, much as I loath the idea of paying to park on my own street. But I was concerned to spot that Lambeth have made more changes to the plan since the map they sent us all last time they consulted. They appear to have removed all the proposed pay and display parking from Fawnbrake Avenue, so all builders and other visitors will have to squeeze into the pay and display on Poplar Walk etc. That is quite a walk for the infirm, elderly or those with bags or children, setting aside whether there are sufficient spaces. And secondly, Lambeth have decreed that we can only buy 50 visitors permits a year, which really isn’t very many for anyone who might have parents, carers, nannies or tradesman coming to their home.

    Do you know if there is any scope to lobby for changes on these two points?

    Jo G, Fawnbrake Ave

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